Saturday, June 22, 2013

Equality Doesn't Work

Does the motor run?

That's the question with which we should address social problems. Too often the rational is sublimated by the emotional. So instead of changing the spark plugs they ask how does the motor feel.

Of course, people are not machines. They're social creatures and because they form bonds with each they develop emotions. The emotional careens into the moral and it is when operating under a supposedly moral blanket of decision in which failure arises. Of course, that's not to denigrate the moral or the emotional. Each holds its place. But no matter how much morality is applied to the motor it won't run if it's out of fuel.

Operating a society should be treated as a science. They called it political science in college only it's not science. Political mechanics would be much more appropriate. A new study of politics which by the necessity of applying that theory to reality it must ask the most important question. Does the motor run?

Even if we ignore any group differences and focus only on individuals we can see that equality fails. If individuals aren't equal and can never be equal than why treat them that way? There's a place to test these things out. It's called business, the free market. What works thrives. The motor of business is not driven by morality but efficacy and it is in business in which we see the failure of equality lay bare for everyone to see.

How long would a business last if every employee was treated as equal? Would the janitor be able to make the correct decision on a complex sale? Corporations have completely rejected the idea of equality and instead operate under a model much more similar to a dictatorship. They prosper because of it.

The submissive is driven by uncertainty. Unsure of his place and what is the proper course of action he will become nervous and anxious left to himself. Through guidance and an understanding of his role he will develop a sense of peace and through effective performance within that role he will develop confidence.

Within a family well defined roles allows for each members of that family to understand their place and what's expected of them. It's under presumed ideas of equality where the mother bucks the father for more control and the children ran amok without discipline or guidance. Conflict, fear, anxiety is the result. The family stilts.

And yet we shirk away from the idea of hierarchy, standing perplexed as we watch the carburetor fall to pieces and think, "I don't think the motor's happy."

Continue Reading: Can Robots Feel?

1 comment:

  1. Hahah. Well said. I got a kick out of "ask how the motor feels."

    Sadly people really do think this way. Good post.
